Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Please Visit Me in the Home

The "home" for crazy people.  Because that's where I'm headed.  On a bullet train.  BECAUSE I'VE BEEN STUCK INSIDE WITH THESE WHINY LITTLE PEOPLE FOR MONTHS.  I never liked winter to begin with, but it honestly never affected my life in the way it does now.  Before kids, it was life as usual, with a jacket.  Now, it's 4 months of unending hell.  (I'm feeling melodramatic today people)  It's too cold to go outside.  It's too germy to go anywhere else.  (As it is, in our virtual quarantine, Lilah was on antibiotics 30/31 days in December.)  Going anywhere, anytime, is like an Act of Congress and makes me want to take shots of Redbull and blast "We are the Champions" to get fired up in preparation for the 20 minute negotiation of hats, coats, and attitudes.

This winter has been especially gruesome, and it's only just begun.  I think that's why I'm will not quit snowing....the few activities we do have keep being cancelled for weather...we have already had way too many doctor visits...and it's barely the middle of January.  I wish I could stick my head in a hole until Spring.

It could be worse....remember that part in Little House on the Prairie: The Long Winter where the Ingalls ran out of coal for the fire and to twist together hay in tight knots to burn? Yes? No?! Well, at least I don't have to literally tunnel through the snow to feed the livestock.....excuse me while I go turn up the heat.  Clearly, from the LHontheP rant, I'm teetering on the edge of insanity.  Don't hold me accountable for anything I say until at least April.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

then you'll be nearly 9 months pregnant, who knows what will come out of your funny mouth then!