Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolutions....I love them! What a great excuse to start fresh:) Unfortunately, I never take them uber-seriously, but here are mine:

1. read more, watch less crack-tv (e.g., desperate housewives of any variety, the bachelor, etc)
2. run in some sort of (very short) race (with another competitor besides Garrett)
3. encourage everyone in my house to pick up after themselves as they go (I realize it's kind of cheating to make resolutions for other people:)
4. take a trip with my husband and without my kids. somewhere warm!
5. move....this house will not cut it much longer with a 22lb (and growing) non-toddler. i am dreaming of one-level living. my husband and his 'man-cave' are not ready to end their relationship, though-- so all interested buyers should send offers to my email:)
6. reduce, reuse, recycle. actually, mostly just reduce.
7. eliminate snacking (this applies only to me and G...clearly Paul and Lilah can have all the snacks they want)
8. quit throwing my clothes in my 'i'm going to re-wear' pile--it just creates chaos in my room and my mind.

Considering I've spend most of 2010 in my PJs, I'm feeling a little behind the eight-ball.:) Hope everyone else's New Year is off to a smashing start!

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