Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today is the starts in full swing.  Lilah and Garrett both go--to two different schools, at two different times.  Lilah needs a change of clothes, a feeding tube, a case of food, breakfast, lunch, two bibs, two cups, and her signed and returned folder.  Garrett needs his backpack, paperwork, change of clothes, a lunch, two drinks, sunscreen on his scar, his hat, and a spanking to adjust his attitude before we get there (kidding).  I know you all aren't so interested in the minutia of my mental checklist, such as it is, but I'm using you as a sounding board to review:).
I'm a bit keyed up today--up and drinking stout coffee before the chickens.  I haven't been up before the chickens since my littlest hatchling was born.  But, I can't sleep this morning b/c I'm trying to figure out how it's really going to happen.  This is the first morning I've had to haul all three anywhere on a schedule...poor Ada.  I'm sure she'll love being plucked from her nice, warm bed to enter the auditory assault of the Backyardigans blaring and Garrett whining about not going.  Her reward is coming though...both big kids accounted for and out of the house--at the same time--and her momma all to herself!!
Incase there are any fears about what I will do with 4 free hours...I should be going to the grocery, because a mouse could not live here for lack of food.  However, I'm planning on a magazine, a cold diet coke, and the mountain of chores will have to wait until next week.


Maggie said...

Hope today went as planned! Can't wait to see Lilah tomorrow.

Alexandra said...

Hahaha just reading this I am still laughing to myself about Garrett's insistance that he was not going to school this year. Hope all went well!