Thursday, August 18, 2011

You know how you always think things will slow down??? And they don't??:) This is one of those days/ weeks/ months.  A quick update to ask for your continued prayers for Lilah.  Her MRI did not go as planned today.  We went through the whole rigamarole of fasting, check-in, numbing cream, IV started, blah, blah, blah and the doctor came out 15 minutes later (it was supposed to take over an hour).  Never a good sign.

Basically, Lilah was unable to maintain her airway and her oxygen sats dropped (pretty much like sleep apnea).  So, it was unsafe to keep her sedated and they were unable to do the test.  We go back tomorrow for the real-deal sedation, where they will intubate her.  The good news is that Children's Hospital has remodeled and now we can get a decent cup of coffee.  Coffee and this man--my best friends.

More tomorrow....


Becky K. said...

Well at least you got one sweet picture out of the ordeal.

J. K. Jones said...
