Thursday, August 26, 2010

We had a great time at Paul's reunion, and if I hadn't been too tired to post immediately afterward, I could have remembered half of all the fun/funny things that happened. Like the ex-cheerleader who brought her pom-poms and boogied with them on the dance floor all night. Or the people who smoked out back or fooled around in the bathroom like they were still in high school. Or how everyone started their conversations with, "boy, it's really loud in here"....which made me feel like we were 80. Or rather, 'they'. Because I am much, much younger than P, in case you didn't know.
If it hadn't cost us $120 to go (for the food we didn't eat and the band that will be the cause of hearing aids at age 45), I would go to a reunion every year. Not even my own. I'd just find someone I knew having one, and tag along. Watching the people. Hearing the stories. Studying the social dynamics. And, I've decided it's definitely more fun to go to P's reunion, because all night I got to hear about what a great guy he was (no surprise there) instead of lamenting how self-absorbed I was in high school, like I would at my own.
I'm calling it a total success and very 'out of the box' for us. We ate Taco Bell on the way home (which I'm still laughing about), got in past midnight, and I did not humiliate myself by biting it on the parquet dance floor, which someone had spilt a drink on while I was in the bathroom (which was my last reunion experience, btw). Here's the documentation:

This picture, just so you know, was not easy to come by. I had to put my foot down and insist!:) And then P griped the whole way there about it, like some old man. He was grumbling something about 'prom' and 'neighbors staring'. :)

1 comment:

amy said...

I am so glad you took that picture! You both look great! I love reading your blog...hope all is well,