Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have started to write this several times and have not gotten very far.....the truth is there are no words. Paul and I attended Hope in the Dark, a fundraising event to benefit Blood:Water Mission and Show Hope. It was top 5 most incredible nights of my life.....really, life changing. A room full of people who have given so much of their lives to serve God's people who are truly suffering in Africa. The statistics given were astounding: 120 million orphans worldwide, more people than live in the US are without adequate water in Africa.

The Watoto Childrens Choir performed, they were beautiful and incredible, and I was a goner. I cried through the rest of the night. I made Paul surrender his wallet, and luckily for him he only had $20, so we are the proud owners of 1 CD--which I love.

Also, Steven Curtis Chapman performed and was really moving. The Chapmans lost a daughter in a tragic accident about the time Lilah got sick, and we feel some sort of a connection through that. To hear his music and him speak, it was amazing to see how similar our journeys of pain have been, but especially to hear about God's mercies and graciousness in their lives.

A child of the Watoto Choir told us about how she (and everyone in the choir) had been orphaned, mostly by AIDS. She said that they had been left alone, with no one to care for their most basic of needs, with no chance of a future. (let me just say at this point I had this little girls room decorated in my house). Then she told us "But we know we are not forgotten. We have hope. We have a future because of Jesus, and God's amazing love".

I haven't quit thinking of all that I heard that night and I feel it changing me.

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