I keep singing that song in my head:) Really, life with 2 is going much better than I anticipated. Still--this has been the longest week of my life. Nothing bad, I think it's just learning to get into some sort of routine. So we haven't figured that out, but I have learned a lot of things this week....about me, my kids, parenting two children, etc. Here are a few from the top....
1. having 1 baby is easy- why did i not realize this at the time??? (it's like how everyone tells you you have so much free time and freedom in college and to enjoy it, but you think you are SO busy)
2. babies are easy, 2 year olds are hard
3. there are not enough hours in the day- i suspected this to be true before, but i am sure now
4. it's always something --the few brain cells i have left are always devoted to the current mini whose butt has a nasty rash, why will garrett only eat cheese circles, will he bite/hit/throw cars at Lilah???
5. having children is the ultimate gift --at the end of the long day, i am so thankful that God has given me these beautiful babies. they are all things precious and innocent and good....and i can't wait for another day with them:)